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RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5 & RAID 10 Explained [With Images]

RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5 & RAID 10 Explained

This tutorial explores the popular raid levels, RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5 & RAID 10, with diagrams and explanations. What is RAID? RAID – Redundant Array of Inexpensive (or Independent) Disks is a data storage solution that works by combining multiple disks connected to a computer into a single storage unit. Data is spread across the disks in different ways depending on whether data integrity, access speed, or both are priorities. RAID can be implemented in software or hardware, and the Linux Operating systems support … Read more

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How to Use the Dig Command [With Examples]

How to Use the Dig Command

dig is the Linux command-line tool used to look up the DNS records for a host. This tutorial explains how to use this command and includes handy examples. DNS records provide information to your computer about a host’s IP address on a network, email configuration, or other text data that can be associated with the host. DNS records provide the street directory for the internet. When you access a website, your computer looks up the DNS record associated with the website’s domain to get the IP … Read more

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apt vs apt-get Commands – What’s the Difference?

apt vs apt get Commands

This guide explains the differences between apt and apt-get commands, so you can decide which one to use. Historically, you’ve probably installed software on Debian based Linux Operating Systems (like Ubuntu) using the apt-get command. More recently you’ve probably seen the apt command being used in its place in various places online, but with otherwise much the same syntax. For example: sudo apt-get install nano has the same effect as sudo apt install nano which is to install the nano text editor package on your system. So … Read more

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How to List Containers in Docker (ls Command)

List Containers in Docker

Docker is a virtualization platform that runs on Linux. It allows you to manage and run virtual machines in containers from pre-built images that contain all of the configurations for the virtualized environment. This tutorial will show you how to list containers using the ls command, part of the new docker command structure. The ls command replaces the old ps command. The ps command will still work, but you should phase out using it. Syntax docker container ls [options] Docker versions older than 1.13 use the old ps command: docker ps [options] Options Both ls and ps accept the same command options: … Read more

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Guide: Install and Use Docker on Ubuntu 20.04

Install and Use Docker Ubuntu

This is an express tutorial on getting Docker up and running on Ubuntu 20.04 – Fast! Docker is a virtualization platform that has exploded in popularity due to its ease of use and low resource overheads. It is used to run applications inside containers, making them portable and easy to install – all of their dependencies and configuration can be kept separate even though they are being run on the same host – reducing the time it takes to configure your system and making sure applications … Read more

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How to Set Up Nginx HTTPs Reverse Proxy on Ubuntu

Set Up Nginx HTTPs Reverse Proxy on Ubuntu

This tutorial explains how to set up Nginx as an HTTPS reverse proxy on Linux Ubuntu, What is Nginx? Nginx is a popular web server, reverse proxy, load balancing, mail proxy, and HTTP caching software package which can be run on the Linux Operating System. It’s a very flexible web server and proxy solution and is an alternative to the Apache HTTP Server. What is a Proxy Server A proxy server acts as a relay between a client and a server at the client’s request. … Read more

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The Linux Shutdown (& Reboot) Command

Linux Shutdown

The shutdown command in Linux shuts down your computer safely. All users and processes will be notified, and processes are given the chance to exit safely. The shutdown command can also reboot and bring the system to other power levels. Syntax shutdown [OPTION]… TIME [MESSAGE] Options Here are the available options for the shutdown command, straight from the manual: Option Description -r Requests that the system be rebooted after it has been brought down. -h Requests that the system be either halted or powered off after it … Read more

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Best Media Server Software for Linux [2021]

Best Media Server Software for Linux

Find the best media server software for Linux in 2021 with a built-in web client, native client, support for multiple formats, and more. Home media servers have become increasingly popular and there are a number of commercial and free options. Media servers are also a popular project for people tinkering with Raspberry Pi’s, can be a cool introductory project for people getting started in Linux and networking, or can just be a good way to put an old computer to use. Home media servers can … Read more

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How to Check if a File or Directory Exists in Bash [+ Examples]

bash check if file exists

You can check whether a file or directory exists on a Linux system using the test command in bash. See our examples below to find out how. The test Command Syntax test EXPRESSION The test command will evaluate the EXPRESSION. Expressions can be built using the following operators and can be built using a combination of operators. -d file True if file is a Directory. [[ -d demofile ]] -e file True if file Exists. [[ -e demofile ]] -f file True if file is a regular File. [[ … Read more

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Quickly and Easily Outlining Text in GIMP 2 [3 Easy Steps]

outline text in gimp 2

Here’s a quick 3-step method for outlining text in GIMP 2. GIMP is the most popular photo manipulation and image editing package for Linux. Many tutorials go through a long-winded process of converting the text to paths and expanding selections, but in the end, if you want quick results, this is the method to use. Step 1: Write some text using the text tool Click on the text tool in the toolbox, and write some text to outline. Step 2: Select the Text by Colour … Read more