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Raspberry Pi Alternatives [2021] – 8 Best Single Board Computers

Raspberry Pi Alternatives

The rise and rise of the Raspberry Pi’s popularity – as a home server, media box, emulation machine, or maker platform – has led to a host of imitators, and in some cases, successors. Finding the right single-board computer for your project will make development easier- so here’s a summary of some of the single-board computers getting about in 2021. 8 Best Alternatives to the Raspberry Pi We’ll only include boards with built-in memory and video out – all in one single board computers and … Read more

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How to SSH Into Your Raspberry Pi Remotely [Simple Guide]

How to SSH Into Your Raspberry Pi

Here’s a summary of the options available for connecting to your Raspberry Pi via SSH – from Linux, macOS, and Windows. Networking We’ll assume you have your Pi on your network – wired or wirelessly. Static IP Address vs DHCP Your Raspberry Pi will most likely be configured to receive an IP address via DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), which means your router assigns an available address to your Pi. As it’s assigned automatically, you won’t know what it will be in advance. If you’ve … Read more

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DIY Raspberry Pi Laptop/Palmtop Computer [Kitchen Build]

DIY Raspberry Pi Palmtop

There was once a PC form factor known as the ‘Palmtop’ and it was good. Then, tablets appeared and pretty much wiped them out completely. I am still a huge fan of palmtops – they’re great for travel or getting some light work done in the park without having to lug about a full laptop, try and type on a tablet screen, or trying to angle those awful tablet keyboard cases on your lap so that they don’t collapse. There are a few modern attempts … Read more

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Making POST Requests with cURL

post requests curl

cURL is a package that contains various tools for transferring data between remote servers. It supports FTP, Windows Shares, Mail Servers, and of course Web Servers using HTTP. Downloading a file from the Linux shell is usually accomplished using the cURL command like so: curl http://example.org/file.zip –output file.zip This makes the request for the file using the GET method and simply downloads it. This article will detail how to use cURL to make a POST request, including form data. This may be useful if the server requires … Read more

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How to Search in Vim Text Editor

How to Search in Vim

This article explains how to search for words and expressions using Vim. Vim is ubiquitous, some tips and tricks can help you in everyday work life. So! Let’s explore simple searching, with Vim. Find a string Starting in normal mode, press forward-slash (/). Type in the string you’re looking for, and press enter. Press n to find the next occurrence. Once you reach the bottom, Vim loops back to the top. Reverse Search If you want to find all previous occurrences of a word, use … Read more

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Linux cd Command: Change Directory

Linux cd Command Change Directory

This tutorial explains how to use the cd command in Linux to change the directory you are currently in, within the shell. We’ve previously covered how to look around in directories with ls. But now you need to start navigating around the directories. We’ll do that easily with cd, change directory. Let’s start with something simple, how do we learn more about simple baked in utils like cd? If you try: man cd It’ll report, “No manual entry for cd”. Most likely. Instead for baked … Read more

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Linux chmod Recursive: How to Change File Permissions Recursively

Linux chmod Recursive

With the Linux chmod command, we can recursively change file permissions on all files and directories. This guide explains how. It’s likely you’ve run into the following errors before: 111 [Permission Denied] “Linux-Screw” [Permission Denied] “Linux-Screw” [readonly] For any system files, using sudo is the preferred way of editing a file. This allows you to keep all the system context. For everyday use with user files, it’s best to change permissions. chmod can do that for us. It keeps us from needing to escalate permission … Read more

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Vim: How to Find and Replace

vim find and replace

This tutorial explains how to find and replace words in Vim/Vi. Vim provides the substitute command, similar to sed, for replacing text. Let’s go through and look at your options for finding and replacing text in this popular Linux text editor. Vim Syntax #from :help substitute :[range][substitute]/[pattern/{string}/[flags][count] For each line in [range] replace a match of {pattern} with {string}. For the {pattern} see pattern “:help pattern”. For instance if you wanted to replace all instances of Nov & Dec with Jan. :%s/Nov\|Dec/Jan/G When [range] and … Read more

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Linux Change User Password (passwd)

Linux Change User Password

This tutorial explains how to use the Linux passwd command to change a user password or disable an account. You’re assigned a ticket: A simple password reset, but it’s for a Linux machine. What do you need to know to reset a password on Linux? First the basics. For users, the passwd authentication token is store in the /etc/shadow file. For groups, it’s stored in the appropriately named /etc/gshadow file. passwd allows you to change passwords for either. The normal usage of passwd is: Reset … Read more

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FAQ: How to disable/remap a keyboard key in Linux?

disable remap a keyboard key in Linux

Q: How can I disable one or several keys on my laptop keyboard in Linux? When I press the DELETE key, it gets stuck and deletes everything 🙂

A: No problem! You can use the following command to remap or disable any key of your keyboard:

xmodmap -e 'keycode <value>=<action>'

For example, you could run the following command to disable your DELETE key:

xmodmap -e 'keycode 107='

How to get the correct keycode

You can get the keycode that corresponds to a specific keyboard button in one of two ways.

The first method is by using the simple command xev. xev opens a window and then monitors “events” such as keystrokes. It is suitable when you are running a GUI.


The second method, which can be run with only the console, is showkey. This command will monitor for keystrokes for 10 seconds, or until a SIGTERM signal is received.

List of all keycodes

The full list of available keycodes and actions assigned to them on UK keyboard is below…

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